Author and journalist Tim Moore recently returned from cycling the Taurus Mountains in Turkey on our Hidden Anatoliajourney. He discovered dramatic landscapes, sparsely populated villages and ancient Roman ruins, all from the saddle of an electric bike. Here is an excerpt from his wonderful article in House & Garden Magazine

"There is no more rewarding way to engage with an environment than in the saddle – all five senses placed on full alert. The ululating echo of a muezzin’s call to prayer bounces down a canyon’s walls, the bright blue point of his minaret jabbing into the sky. Our noses alert us to the dominant local crops – now lavender, now apples, now almonds – and our hands indicate an election must be coming up, as the potholes have been filled in."

You can read the full article on the House and Garden website.

We were also delighted to see Tim's cycling the Taurus Mountains article chosen to be featured in The Week; again, the full article is here.

Cycle the Taurus Mountains, exploring otherworldly landscapes, rural villages, and historic ruins. You can travel with us on either a Scheduled Journey or with friends or family on a Private Journey. To find out more, enquire now or contact our team on +44 (0) 1865 410 356.

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