
Private Campsite, by Drone

By Oli Broom

In early April we invited our European guiding teams to Turkey’s Taurus Mountains to see one of our most recent trips up close. We had a fantastic few days cycling, walking and sharing ideas, all in the name of friendship and continual improvement. 

We cycled south from Lake Egirdir to Adada, an ancient Greco-Roman city with an original stone road that has survived millenia. 

On the next day we reached our private tented camp. Our guides were blown away. Emily in our UK team spent much of 2022 in Turkey working with our local team and new friends from a village in the mountains to build a tented camp – for use only by our guests – that we are all proud of. 

One of our Romanian guides, Iancu, could not resist getting his drone out. To our surprise, he put together a short montage of footage Here it is. 


The dining tent at The Slow Cyclist private tented camp in the Taurus Mountains in Turkey

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