Slow Cyclist Caroline Everett cycled through Abruzzo with The Slow Cyclist earlier this year, a journey she describes as 'a complete joy'. In fact, she enjoyed it so much that she wrote all about it for her local website, Rye News. Here is an excerpt from her article, published in October 2023.

"The next morning we were introduced to our big, strong bicycles and given a lesson on their gears. In great excitement, like a school outing, we set off in a single file up and down, down and up, and sometimes along, on very good empty roads with no potholes, arriving triumphant and ravenous for our lunches. These were always fabulous food, local cheeses, meats, breads, fruits, beers and wines. So thus was the rhythm of our days. Ride, eat / drink, ride, explore with wonderful background histories of abbeys, hermitages, and churches from Pierluigi."

You can read the full article on Rye News

If you'd like to cycle through Abruzzo with The Slow Cyclist, discovering medieval stone villages and forested foothills, enquire here or contact our team on +44 (0) 1865 410 356.

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